The Expat Side Hustle Summit Schedule

Here's How The Summit Will Work...

1. Get your ticket. 

Grab a ticket and get your login information to access the platform. 

2. Login in daily and watch any session that is available. 

2. All sessions for each day go live at 9am EST on their scheduled day and are available for you to watch at anytime until 9am EST the next day. Once the 24 hours is up, the session will expire and only those with the VIP Pass have lifetime access.

3. Rinse & Repeat

3. This process repeats daily for three days. Take note of what presentations you want to watch in advance so that you don't run out of time!

Day 1

Juanita Ingram (w/Amanda Bates)

"Embracing Change: Finding Purpose in the Unknown"

Janice Chaka

"Success Strategies for Expats: Navigating the Side Hustle Journey"

Kentia McLemore

"Pivoting To An Independent Contractor"

Vangile Makwakwa

"Decoding Your Financial DNA"

Karen M. Ricks

"To Balance, or Not to Balance? Building Sustainable Work to Support Your Dream Life!"

Day 2

Lori Tharps (with Amanda Bates)

"Building A Business You Love With The Audience You Want"

Christine Job

"Global Expertise, Global Impact: Building a Remote Consulting Business"

Dianni Hall

"Getting Paid to Podcast: Becoming A Freelance Podcast Producer"

Shaughnessy King

"Skillsets to Leverage as a Virtual Assistant"

Diamond Crystal

"Nomadic Hustles: Mastering Side Gigs for Ultimate Freedom"

Tracy Oyekanmi

"The Art of Creating a Successful Career Abroad"

Day 3

Andrew Rotz (with Amanda Bates)

"Financial Foundations: How to get your finances in order for your side business"

MaCara Santiago

"From Local to Global: Tax & Business Considerations For Your Business Abroad"

Rosie Bell

"How to Transform Your Travel Experiences Into Revenue Streams"

Zoe Andall

"Find your people and make $1000 in your first 3 months"

Corri Golden

"How to Achieve the Three Degrees of Freedom By Passively Investing in Multifamily"

What are you waiting for? Grab Your Your Ticket Today!